Evelyn's Henchman

Game Design Document


Evelyn grew up as an orphan girl in the kingdom of Coventry. Because of her demonic appearance, she had a hard life, the people there spat on her and treated her like rubbish. Eventually, she was taken in by the Demon Queen, ruler of the shadow realm, She taught her not to hate herself because of the way she looked. She helped her understand that people are defined by their actions, not their appearance. One day, many years later, the Demon Queen passes through Coventry, and the villagers declare her a monster. Despite her pleas, They all mob together to slay her. Evelyn, distraught, decides that now is the time to seek revenge on the kingdom that had wronged her all those years ago. Her first act after inheriting the throne, was to cast Coventry into an era of shadow, from which they would never return.


To play, drag the ingredients on the list that's in front of you, into the potion bottle.

It will take 8 nights for Evelyn to enshroud the kingdom with your help. Each night, being progressively harder than the last. 

Every night you will be given new ingredients and bottles to help you brew more and more powerful potions. Different bottles will have different rules for mixing in the ingredients.


Interact - Left Mouse Button

Pause - Click the pause button or press Esc


Programming - Jackson P

Art - KimBap

Music - Jonas M

Special thanks to Solemnspirits for allowing us to use their original character, Evelyn, in this project!


Evelyns Henchman - Game Design Doc.pdf 2.1 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

Great character and game design, also saw the bug where I couldn't always select items.  Art music music and design elements were great, good work!  I made the mistake of trying to play on a laptop trackpad the 1st time-do not recommend!  broke out my mouse and it went a lot better.  Good scaling difficult, but you lost me at level 6 the second time through.  Really liked this one!


Wow this game is absolutely beautiful and has a fantastic progression of both difficulty and story! I'm also really proud I was able to finish it!

I only had 2 little issues with the game so I'll get them out of the way first then go on with the rest.

I don't know if there's a difference in the interaction box on the human eyes but I had a hard time picking those up sometimes for some reason. It was only those I had this issue with.

The other issue was the ending! After you beat night 8 which is SUPER hard you just get "thanks for playing". NOOOO where's the payoff? Tell me about how you've taken over the world and how I was the main source of it and how I'll be your right hand henchman or something... anything! The story was fantastic from beginning to almost end I just wanted a little cherry on top and it felt like it suddenly ended without much celebration at all.

Anyways the game is fantastically draw from start to end. Not only is the opening cutscene great it's also animated in some parts also! Some real attention to detail. The UI, the recipe book, the bottles and ingredients and the main level are all perfect. And I gotta say Evelyn is looking pretty damn good between levels too.

The audio is fantastic and I especially liked the remix of the music on night 8. I wish you had linked it somewhere cos I wanna listen to it again! It was an unexpected surprise that I really enjoyed.

Gameplay wise the gradual introduction of new ingredients and bottles that alter the order you need to put them in was absolutely perfect. By night 8 I was so frazzled I had to keep pausing to check the bottles to be certain I was doing it right. Although I will say the handle bottle and the pointy bottle confused me a lot. I'm not sure if it's cos they were similar shaped (even though one has a handle). Also hiding the ingredients when you pause was a stroke of genius. 

I have no idea if this is cheese or not but by day 2 I started waiting to add the last ingredient to the bottles to the last second when the bottle was almost off-screen to try and pass as much time as possible. I'm pretty sure you accounted for that though cos I'm sure I noticed the moon speed up if you finish the potion early. Would love to know if that was cheese or not.

Oh also the addition of the last bottle was a great touch. It felt like a little breather in the middle of the madness which I assume was the intention. Really good choice.

If you plan to continue developing this it would be interesting to see where it goes. It already feels like a full game but I feel like story-wise there could be more to uncover with Evelyn.

In summary, had a ton of fun with this in every way and would highly recommend people give it a shot.

Wow thank you so much for this thought Out and well written Feedback. I am so Happy that you liked the Game from beginning to end. (even tho the ending was a bit anti climatic) I think we want to add more Dialog or something for the ending after the judging period is over. I am really glad that you liked the music and If you want to listen to the night 8 music than you could Go to my Soundcloud which is linked in the Credits where I uploaded the whole Ost  https://on.soundcloud.com/5BVs5 . Again thank you so much for this beautifull written thought out review (it really Made my day). 


Very polished game. Love the beginning cutscenes and the visuals overall, the humor is nice, the music is nice.

thank you ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡

(1 edit) (+2)

Dear Evelyn,

Even though at first you only sought out to bring the foolish kingdom of Coventry under your shadow ruling I had a feeling deep within my henchman mind that there was an even greater amount of passion and ambition under your exceptional visage that the animals of Coventry failed so sorrowfully to see. Every time i clocked into my shift and was met by your cold stringent gaze it contrastingly set a pure sort of fire to my heart I didn't know i was able to feel. I am truthfully underserving of the new life that you have bestowed onto me. I would gladly pour all of my blood sweat and melanin into any task you have gracefully gifted to me and if you would allow me to serve you for the rest of my miniscule life and the next to come I would be the happiest little henchmen that ever lived. My life is yours Evelyn.

the music on night 8 goes bodaciously hard

lol I will send this to Evelyn right away! o7


so cool! love the music, art and story, as well as the increasingly difficult gameplay ^^
Especially the personality of Evelyn gave it some nice vibes
Personally made it only to level 6 but its definitely fun!

Thank you so much! I am really happy that you had a fun experience.


Loved the soundtrack! and the art is awesome! Really fun game with a cool story, Great job to everyone who worked on it :) 

Thank you!!! I'm so happy that you liked it

Thank you! I am really happy that you loved the Soundtrack!


Beautiful art, really fun & challenging gameplay, and on top all wrapped up in a cool little revenge story - love it! And the soundtrack really goes hard, well done! 👏

thank you so much! i'm really glad that you liked the game :)

Thank you so much.

thank you!! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡


Art looks amazing! Love the idea of the game too. Good job guys!

Thank you!

thank you!! (づ ᴗ 3 ᴗ)づ♡


I really like the art and music. At first the game wasn't too hard but then at around night 5 or 6 I think it started to ramp up in difficulty to where it started taking a few tries to beat it but I did end up beating night 8.

Good I'm glad! I tried really hard to get the difficulty just right so I'm happy to hear that it was a good challenge

Thank you a lot for the kind words. Congrats on beating it


I enjoyed this a lot. The artstyle and music are great, and the difficulty curve feels very natural.

ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ thanks! glad you like it  \o/


I really enjoyed this! I would have also enjoyed it more if I wasn’t on a trackpad at the moment hahahaha. Very nice! And the music loops didn’t feel repetitive or annoying, which I think is hard to do in a game like this!

I am really happy that you didn't find the music loop annoying.


Love the art style and the amount of work that went into the art of this game. Starts chill but gets difficult quite quickly. Love it!

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for checking it out!

(∩˃o˂∩)♡ very sweet of you to say, thanks!

(2 edits) (+2)

Really pretty art and banger soundtrack! Struggled a fair bit on the last two levels because I kept confusing the pointy and handle bottles, but turned out really neat.

Also heads up as one entrant to another, the design doc needs to be attached as a google doc, not downloadable.

thank you so much! i'm really glad that you enjoyed the game! 

And thanks for the catch with the design document. I had it both as a link and as a downloadable file but it seems like I need to make the text size a little bigger so it stands out more


ahh mb for missing it! good luck!!

Thank you so much. I am really glad that you liked the soundtrack!

thanks glad you enjoyed the game ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰


I love the art!

thank you so much!

thank you! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝